Call for Workshops


Contact email of Workshop Co-Chairs:

The ACM WiSec 2023 conference will be held physically from May 29 to June 1, 2023, in Guildford, UK. It is planned to be a fully in-person event if the COVID-19 pandemic situation allows this. Otherwise, the conference will be moved to the virtual space.

ACM WiSec plans to host a number of workshops co-located with the main conference. We seek proposals from individuals and teams interested in organizing strong workshops. Ideally, each workshop will be a full day, with 4-5 sessions of 1.5 hours each, or half day.

The goal of the workshops is to provide researchers with a forum for presenting early research results and sharing their experiences with the research community. Contributors to the workshops will be presenting novel ideas in a less formal setting, possibly more focused on a specific topic than the regular conference sessions. Whereas we expect that the research presented in the workshops will be less mature than the main conference papers, emphasis will be given to novelty and the potential of a conference submission in the near future. We will coordinate with workshop chairs to ensure that workshops follow a rigorous peer-review process and compose an exciting program for attendees.

Topics for the workshops include, but are not limited to:

  • Security and Privacy of IoT systems
  • Security in Cyber-physical Systems
  • Security for Connected Autonomous Systems (vehicles, robots, UAVs)
  • Security in NextG Networks
  • Security of MmWave Communications
  • Wireless Security and Privacy for Healthcare Applications
  • Machine Learning for Wireless Security
  • Security for Near-field Communications (NFC), Visible Light communications (VLC), and Underwater Communications.
  • Testbeds and Platforms for Experimental Wireless Research

Workshop Proposal Information

A proposal to organize a workshop should be submitted to the workshop chairs in PDF format and should include the following information.

  1. Proposed workshop title
  2. Names and affiliations of the organizing team and biosketches
  3. Scope and topics of the workshop
  4. Motivation, aims, and rationale of the workshop
  5. A draft call-for-papers
  6. Conference format (long/short papers, panels, keynotes, poster session, etc.)
  7. Tentative composition of the technical program committee
  8. Workshop internal and external deadlines (CFP, committee composition, advertising, submission, acceptance, and camera-ready deadlines)
  9. Workshop promotion plan; How do the organizers plan to attract a significant number of submissions of high quality and extend attendance beyond the authors;
  10. Prior history of the workshop, if any (# of submissions, # of papers accepted, # of attendees)

Important Dates

  1. Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline: January 20th, 2023
  2. Workshop Proposal Acceptance Notification: January 30th, 2023
  3. Workshop Paper Submission Deadline, TBD
  4. Workshop Paper Acceptance Notification: TBD

The ACM WiSec 2023 Workshop Co-Chairs
  • Yangguang (Jack) Tian (University of Surrey, UK)
  • Levente Buttyan (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
  • Loukas Lazos (University of Arizona, USA)

If any clarifications are needed, feel free to email the workshop chairs at: